A vibrant and inclusive community of faith serving the beach cities and westside of Los Angeles

Friends of Music
The Friends of Music at St. Bede’s are the primary source of financial support for the parish’s renowned music program. Through contributions, concerts, and use of the building by outside musical groups, the Friends of Music raise money to support their annual concert series and the ongoing music every Sunday morning and other important services.
Each year, the Friends of Music series presents three concerts (October, January, and the popular “Summer Cabaret” in June) and two Evensongs (one in Lent and one in Eastertide). In addition, it supports the music for the Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols, Christmas Eve, and the Easter Vigil. But most importantly, the Friends of Music support the regular Sunday morning music by providing money for two of the four paid section leaders in the St. Bede’s Choir. ​​
Next Event Sunday
January 19, 2025, 2pm

Your ongoing support of the Friends of Music is an essential part of St. Bede’s strong commitment to a ministry of music and hospitality.
Watch Choral Evensong with the
Wessex Consort at St. Bede's
Thanks to all who participated in the Gala Opening Concert
Join Friends of Music