A vibrant and inclusive community of faith serving the beach cities and westside of Los Angeles

What we do at Bible and Breakfast
At Bible and Breakfast, we go into a deep dive on the upcoming week’s scriptural readings using the Reference “A Lector’s Guide & Commentary to the Revised Common Lectionary” by J. Ted Blakley. The discussion is interactive, allowing you to ask, “What does that passage really mean?”
We are currently holding these discussions in hybrid mode. Some attendees are meeting in person in the Parish Hall. Others are free to attend via Zoom video.
Coffee and pot-luck breakfast is available, starting at about 9:00 AM. The Discussion and Zoom video will begin at 9:30 AM.
Starting in the Season of Pentecost, we will be following Track 2 readings for Year C.
Current Lessons: Epiphany 6 (see pp 21-23)
It might take a minute to load the packet below.
Tuesdays 9-11:30am
Breakfast starts at 9:00am
Zoom and Study starts at 9:30am
In person in Luther Hall and on Zoom
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 574-349-6585#
Participant Code: #
Password: 545724
Or, call-in: (415) 762-9988
and follow the verbal instructions
Download Readings
2024-2025 YEAR C
Advent & Christmas
Special Readings
Lectio Divina
Study Guide
All readings can be downloaded from the Episcopal Church here