A vibrant and inclusive community of faith serving Venice, Playa Vista, Mar Vista, Ocean Park, Marina Del Rey, and beyond.
If you live near St. Bede's and plan to attend church online, communion will be available in the Church parking lot beginning 15 minutes after the conclusion of the service. Rev. Ryan and/or a Eucharist Minister will be available for 20 minutes thereafter to distribute communion. (Approximately 9:15AM to 9:35AM and 11:25AM to 11:45AM)
When you drive into the parking lot, please turn on your hazard lights, notifying Rev. Ryan and the Eucharistic Ministers that you have come to receive communion. All individuals in the car must be masked and are asked to consume the communion bread after everyone has received it. If you have do not feel well or have any COVID-19 symptoms, do not come to church to receive communion.
If you plan to receive "drive-thru" communion, please pre-register--it is not required but greatly helps the worship team plan accordingly.